

Field Crop

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Maize- evo 52


Variety Name: Evo 52
Uniform, medium tall plants, vigorous hybrid with excellent yield potential. Its unique plant structure makes it responsive to higher plant population, matures in 140-145 days, long ear with high husk bearing, bold and orange semi flints grains. Wide adaptability.

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Maize- Evo 924


Variety Name: Evo 924
Strong, medium tall plants, uniform, vigorous hybrid. It gets ready for harvesting in 125-130 days. Bold, attractive yellow orange colour grains, wide adaptability. It’s an easy grow variety.

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Maize- Yuvaraj 81


Variety Name: Yuvraj 81
Uniform, strong, medium tall plants, vigorous hybrid with excellent yield potential, matures in 140-150 days, long ear with high husk bearing habit, attractive, bold and orange colour grains, having excellent shelling percentage.

99 in stock

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Paddy- Magma


Variety Name: Magma
A medium height compact plant structure with erect strong plant habit, lodging resistant, excellent tillering ability, crop duration is 135-140 days, it’s a bold type hybrid having high head rice recovery, good taste and non sticky cooked rice, highly tolerant to insects and diseases.

33 in stock

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Paddy- Sigma


Variety Name: Sigma
A medium height strong plant habit, lodging resistant, remarkably high tillering potential, crop duration is 125-135 days, it’s a fine cylindrical type hybrid having high head rice recovery, Rice is attractive, non sticky and tasty after cooking, highly tolerant to insects and diseases. Excellent yielder.

11 in stock

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